Hello World from Windows 8!

Here’s my first blog from Microsoft’s latest operating system. In recent times, a lot of articles have been published regarding Windows 8. It is indeed a bold, and a completely new, take on operating systems. The computer feels almost like a cellular phone. While some may complain about it, this is not necessarily a bad thing. It does take a little getting used to. However, once you do, you’ll realize that this is vastly more productive and intuitive.

As is the case with any new operating system, there are quite a few glitches. But most of them are being addressed at a good pace. For example, my laptop has a hybrid graphics system: with two graphics chips. Right after installation, I was a little disappointed to see that a driver for the AMD chip was unavailable. The very next day, I got the update, and now both the chips are operational.

The upgrade mechanism is neat. Before installation, Windows 8 does a full system scan to figure out which apps are incompatible with the new operating system. Once they are found, you are requested to uninstall them in order to proceed. It it now up to you whether you want to go ahead with the upgrade.

If you’re using a Sony VAIO, then an upgrade is easier still. Just download and run the VAIO Update for Windows 8 Upgrade, and follow the instructions for a hassle free upgrade.

There are some really fantastic apps available in the Windows Store. One of the best is the Google app. It’s fast, clean, and as addictive as a game. You could spend hours with the fantastic voice search. Skype is neat as well- the interface is young and intuitive.Bing Travel is great for viewing some stunning Panorama Images of famous cities or booking flights and hotels.

I wish to do a full review of the operating system: highlighting both the pros and the cons. Hopefully, I’ll get the time to do it soon.

In the meantime, let me waltz with the smooth Metro interface!